An i3TOUCH display in the middle of the jungle?!
Supporting access to education in Tanzania
Koen Timmers is an innovative teacher with a passion for technology enhanced learning. After 20 years of teaching, an itch appeared that needed to be scratched. Koen wanted to take teaching to a new level,...
Bring Augmented Reality to Your Classroom
Augmented reality is a hot topic in education today. Some might think it is just another trend that offers limited value in the classroom. However, quite the opposite is true. There are plenty of AR products in the market today that have high...
How to Better Engage Your Employees in Your Meetings
Companies hire employees so that they work, engage and ultimately bring value to the table. One way of adding value is contributing and expressing their views on issues. Contribution relates to engagement. When people contribute to a particular...
Connecting Movement to Learning in the Classroom
Sitting is no longer the standard
Sitting still used to be the mantra of every classroom. But that is changing as studies reveal that introducing movement activities helps students stay more focused and attentive in class. Movement is a powerful...
Behind the scenes: 10-year-olds testing new 3D content in i3LEARNHUB
Children are visual learners. They love all things visual and digital, and understand things more quickly when they can picture it in their minds. This has motivated us to team up with Lifeliqe, a platform that uses interactive 3D models to make...