An i3TOUCH display in the middle of the jungle?!
Supporting access to education in Tanzania
Koen Timmers is an innovative teacher with a passion for technology enhanced learning. After 20 years of teaching, an itch appeared that needed to be scratched. Koen wanted to take teaching to a new level,...
Invest in sustainable development goals (SDGs) with the help of ICT!
Jordy Van Boven is a teacher in primary education and this year he started working in the 5th grade in the Municipal Primary School Sportomundo in Antwerp. Last school year he was a teacher at the Omnimundo School where he worked together with...
5 easy tips for the Paperless Classroom
Going paperless this year? Welcome to the club! Here are some tips and resources for a smooth transition to digital learning.
How to Choose the Best Meeting Room Setup
Running a successful meeting requires a considerable level of engagement from its participants. A lot of things determine the level of participation a meeting gets – top on that list is the room arrangement. Room arrangement has to be taken into...
Professional development is the key to success!
Did you recently start using new technology in the classroom? We're aware that this could be a difficult process!The start of a school year often goes hand in hand with the introduction of new digital tools. The teacher is often left alone in...